Compulsory insurance, co-insured,
or self-insured
KV Health insurance
UV Accident Insurance
PV Retirement insurance
Your insurance depends on the nature of your work.
Compulsory insurance
KV + UV + PV
- Anyone who is self-employed and earns more than the marginal income threshold, must have insurance.
- Your employer must register you with the insurance company. The contribution depends on the income.
- People, who are self-employed must register for compulsory insurance.
- Persons living in Austria
- Persons who have compulsory insurance, may, under certain circumstances, co-insure family members, if they do not have an own income or are currently attending educational institutions.
- It is your responsibility to register your family members for co-insurance at the health insurance company.
KV + UV + PV
- Persons living in Austria
- Persons who do not have compulsory insurance
- Persons who are marginally employed (not obliged to insurance)
- Persons studying in Austria
- Persons taking care of a disabled child
- Persons taking care of relatives
can take out an insurance at the ÖGK (Austrian Health Insurance Scheme) themselves, subject to certain requirements.
The monthly contributions for 2024 are between EUR 69,19 and EUR 495,58. Requirements are checked individually.
Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK) Salzburg
Engelbert-Weiß-Weg 10, 5020 Salzburg
T +43 50766- 174000