Here you can find addresses of institutions, where women can get work-related or health-related, as well as psycho-social advice.
FrauenGesundheitsZentrum Salzburg
✆ +43 662 442255
Counselling for women and girls
on health issues
on health issues
first love Ambulanz
Frauenklinik UK Salzburg
✆ +43 57255-24807
Krankenhaus Zell am See
✆ +43 6542777-2511
Counselling on family planning, contraception
Gynmed Hotline & Gynmed Ambulanz UK Salzburg
✆ +43 669 178 178 05
Information, counselling and abortion
UK für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
✆ +43 57255-24900
Frau & Arbeit
Sterneckstraße 31/ 3, 5020 Salzburg
Sterneckstraße 31/ 3, 5020 Salzburg
✆ +43662 88 07 23-10
Counselling and support for women in all issues involving employment and unemployment (also in case of illness, burn out) and child care
Aktion Leben
Hellbrunner Straße 13, 5020 Salzburg
Hellbrunner Straße 13, 5020 Salzburg
✆ +43 662 62 79 84
✆ +43 676 87 46 66 28 (emergency number)
Counselling and support
for pregnant women and
families with small children
for pregnant women and
families with small children
Strubergasse 26/5, 5020 Salzburg
Strubergasse 26/5, 5020 Salzburg
✆ +43 662 875498
Social counselling for women, also in case of crises and illness
Verein VIELE
Rainerstraße 27, 5020 Salzburg
Rainerstraße 27, 5020 Salzburg
✆ +43 662 87 02 11
Native language counselling for immigrants
(crises, illness, trauma, disability)