What does “being insured” mean?
99% of the people in Austria are covered by social security schemes. People who are insured, qualify for social security benefits. Social security is based on the solidarity principle.
Employer and employee contribute to the statutory social security. Those with a low income, pay a small insurance contribution. Those with a higher income, pay a higher insurance contribution. No matter how much you contributed – you receive all necessary medical treatments.
You are covered by social insurance (compulsory insurance)
KV health insurance
UV accident insurance
PV retirement insurance
In the province of Salzburg there are 9 different social insurance institutions, e.g. ÖGK (Austrian Health Insurance Scheme), SVS (Social insurance Austria), PVA (Pension insurance institution), AUVA (General accident insurance fund), BVAEB (Public servant insurance).
Here you find the names of all social insurance companies and whom they are responsible for (e.g. employees, public servants, self-employed).